aft living life for 17yrs, hav we ever wonder how precious life is ?
even if we do, hav we really do smth to get the most out of it ?
for me, i guess there is still alot more to go...why waste time
live everyday as fruitfully as possible n nv give up on ourself.
learn frm mistakes n pick urself up, but tats said easier than done. how many of us can really pick ourself up n get goin again ? time for reflection.
some questions for reflection aft all these yrs n the happenings :)
today was like a long last day tat is finally back. its been a day of fun n laughter.
when i mean laughter, its crazy n unstoppable laughter :D haven been laughing so crazily ever since jc life started. though there's only the 4 of us, but the fun was alot more than tat. saw some of u guys again felt good n its heart-warming to see all of u getting on smoothly in life. though i am more of the 'quiet' n less outgoin one, but i can really feel the fun n happiness jus by watching u guys enjoy urself :)
i will try to be more 'crazy' next time.
motivation has started building inside me, n its tat force tats pushing me forward.
noeing tat promos is less than 2 mths away, i better get on wit studying aft the lousy MYE results...totally disappointed wit myself.
thus, i better buck up n its all up to myself for the type of grades i want.
n those who did not do well, dun give up. start nw n work doubly hard. do not be disheartened by the results n the amt of pressure teachers are giving u cos they are doin u gd at the end of the day. results will slowly improve if u put in the effort, one day u will get the results u desire n deserve. cos WAD U REAP IS WAD U SOW.
memories i wld nv forget...
they make me smile
they make my day :)
they add colours to my life